Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just a few amazing pictures. Hold onto your hats. The dogs were very eager to go outside,so Bill opened the door and they ran as fast as they could to this fairly large snapping turtle. Bill of course had to mess with it and take a few pictures. Kind of cool seeing one of these older turtles.I'm surprised the dogs (and Bill) didn't get hurt. Sugar kept going up to it sniffing and jumping back when it snapped.

Now I want you to take a close look at these next photos. No it's not a trick or someone elses's garage. Yes you can believe your eyes. Bill and I spent an entire day cleaning out the garage. Nothing like the threat of hail to get you moving. We took much of it to Goodwill,WIC,reycycle,and rumpke.

Yes obviously we have much more work to do in there,but we have all of Bills toys tucked away. Yes you can walk all the way around the car and open the door . Now that deserves a huge pat on the back.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you.Plus my crap is out of your way too.HA!!!Thanks for everything
