Here we are at Tommy Bartlet Exploratory. Inside you shoot off in space via elavator.
There are robots and cool effects. There are lots of hands on science experiments/activities.
At the end you walk a narrow bridge surronded by stars and it feels like you are in outter space.
Really glad we went here.
Space capsule and REAL MIR space station core
We visited Circus World, the origional Ringling Brothers main hub. There were circus acts, magic shows,and lots of history preserved there. You go through the different barns and buildings to learn about the Ringling Brothers, famous clowns,horses and elephants, and the like. Cool posters everwhere. Not to mention restored Circus wagons. The detail is amazing.
Below Bill and Ashley cruising around on an elephant.
Ashley performed as a tiger for the kid circus. She jumped through a fake ring of fire. Here she is taking a bow for her performance. All the kids were so cute.
Duck Tour. Highly recomend. Corny jokes, but very fun
The thing I wanted to see the most was the Tommy Bartlett Water ski show. We went in the evening so we could see the light show afterwards. The downside was pictures didn't turn out well. This was very fun and more then just waterskiing. I wish there had been more of that and less corny skit that went along with it. After the skiing was over there were jugglers,acrobats, and comedians,then cool light show. I was absoulty freezing. I felt bad for the skiers in their teeny tiny bathing suits cause it was like 60 deg and went down as the night wore on. I'm wearing 2 shirts and 3 lightweight coats to try and stay warm. Ashley had a coat,Bill just t-shirt. They were totaly fine. Must be hormones.
Many years ago when Ashley was 2 we stopped at this Diner. It was cool to be able to eat there again ,cause it brought back memories of when she shoved tinker toys up her coat sleeve, so she could take them home. We made her go back in and appologize for stealing them.
Lost Canyon was another really fun adventure. We pet the horses while waiting our turn to go through the canyon.The walls are so close it looks like there's no way to go through. Driver says we had an inch on each side. Some blue paint is seen along parts of the wall. OOPS.
We took another boat tour for the upper dells. It was really neat. Lots of cool rock formations and scenery. We docked at a couple of places and walked the trailes.
There is a dog that jumps across and back. Of course I missed it ,but bought a postcard. It's a Germon Shepard and he's really fast.
We drove about an hour to a Cheese Factory. I swear this is some of the best cheese you have ever eaten. Especially squeeky cheese curds. I must admit I was schoked to see how little this place was. We watched a video and were able to view them working in a vat.
Finished our trip off going to Minasota to hang out with, Dwight, Melissa and Annie. Ashley couldn't get enough of Annie. We had a faboulous time.