Well the news today wasn't so great. Am measuring the same as last week. We asked about being induced this Friday and he was honest and said that if we did, it would more then likely turn into a
c-section, my cervix just isn't ready. Funny how just before we left I was watching The Baby Story and the lady was having the same issue as me and they had to do a c-section on her after many many hours of labor. Soooo When he told me that my cervix wasn't ready, I wasn't going to insist on giving it a whirl this Friday. Now I'm going to go back to work this weekend. May make it all the way through,probably not,but I do have a Dr's note that will hopefully count as FMLA instead of getting dinged for missing work. I will use it if I have to. Really not wanting to,so am praying and hoping the full moon will get things going this Friday. Don't know what it is about full moons,but I do know this weekend will be crazy because of it. Happens every time. So now that I'm going back to work anyway we asked about the following week, how that would go, cause if not getting induced this week I'm good to hold off till next Friday. The one Dr. told me no more then 5 days over,this one said he'd give me till Friday,but no more. I figure might as well see if I'll go on my own now. We found out that Dr. Reed would be on the following Friday,and that just seems perfect, for she was the one who helped us in getting pregnant after all these years. I know this will all be a faint memory and I will have this baby soon enough. I can still go anytime, some people can go from 0 to bam being ready without any notice, so we'll see. I am feeling pretty good other then just disappointed a bit. I really thought that with allllllll the contractions I've had over the last few months,this would go faster. Well apparently my body has the contraction part down,it's just the one little thing holding me back.
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