Wednesday, December 1, 2010

We had a nice Thanksgiving up in MI. It was good to see everyone. My favorite part was Annie with her stroller. Too cute.
Besides being sick,we've managed to put up our Christmas tree, go to the Dr. and do a little Christmas shopping while waiting for RX. Yes the Dr. gave me a Z-pak. I have never had that before,but I am feeling better. No wonder people ask for that right away.
I do have to tell a funny story.  Dwight loves my pecan pie,so I  decided to make him one. In the process  Bill called and asked if I needed anything from the store on his way home from work. I said , no I've got everything I need.,see ya soon. I was also in the process of making other things to take up as well. Multitasking at it's finest and doing a good job until......
while adding eggs to the pie, Ashley said, I want to crack the eggs. I got two in and decided why not let her do the last one. I gave her an egg when somehow the rest of the carton of eggs humpty dumpty'd off the counter.  SPLAT, egg everywhere. OK no BIG DEAL, Ashley was holding the last egg for the pie when all of a sudden Sugar licked Ashley's foot scaring her, and there went the last egg!!! All happend in slow motion of course. NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I panicked, I quick called Bill  to have him pick up more eggs. Not too happy since he was half way home after a long day at work. Then while doing more multitasking I opened the fridge only to discover a few hidden eggs in the very back. Debated on wether to call him back or not. Nahhh. Maybe he won't notice I didn't  use his eggs.  Of course Ashley  squeeled with laughter as soon as Bill showed up telling him all about it. Then he said, All you needed was one egg,couldn't you have borrowed one from the neighbor? Thanks honey for the eggs.
 DOWNSTAIRS NOW, BABY STROLLER!!! Was heard throughout the house the next morning as soon as Annie woke up.
 Bill begged me to make cookies. I can count on one han how many times I've made cookies. They don't usually turn out . I will admit, these Toffee cookies turned out pretty good.
 The tradition of Ashley braving it, to put the star up on the tree.
 I'm a Big Sister ornament.
Yummy cookies!!! Some are even kind of round.

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