Friday, August 6, 2010

We're back home safe and sound. Very sad that we had to leave. Check out Amanda's blog for pictures. At the moment my SD card is MIA. I'm sure Ashley will know. She's like a mini external hard drive for me. She remembers everything. I remember sitting in the car, her wanting to put the new SD card in, Amanda tellling Ashley to hand me the old one and that's where my mind goes foggy. Getting old is rough, soon I'm going to be walking around with a recorder, but I'd probably loose that too. Haha Yesterday was a long drive back. Something happened on I 75. It took an hour to go 5 miles. I was sooooooooooo wishing I had told Mom to pull over earlier instead  of deciding to take a nap. Nap didn't last long, thanks to a storm and just as I was  thinking we should pull over soon we came to a complete stop. You know it's going to be awhile when semi's pull off on the shoulder and the one in front of you let's all the air out( of what I don't know) and you watch it drop 6+ inches. Sounded like a huge sigh. I started looking at the trees,even Mom's cup. I figure if I could hit a dixi cup at Dr's office, this should  be a piece of cake. I started looking at the Garmen for alternative rout,but no exit close by. We crawled until we came to an exit and I told Mom we had to go in. Let me tell you, I've never seen so much trafffic. Hardly any moving room at the only gas station. We patiently waited in a long line to go to the bathroom. Thank goodness 4 stalls. Very unusual. Most times your lucky to ge one. No one had heard what happened, but as I was leaving overheard it was closed down. We jumped in the car,told Mom what I had oveheard and we figured out a way via backroads to get to I 64. Once we got to Louisville we hit another back up, but at least it wan't quite a standstill. It took us I figure an extra 2 hours to get home,but we saw a lot of beautiful sceanry in KY. So glad to be home,just wish could have brought Amanda and Leia home too.

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