Monday, December 27, 2010

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house.......... 
This year if you slapped a red hat and beard on me I could pass as Santa. HO HO HO!!!!
 Christmas morning, Mom and Dave came over to open presents. We were able to keep Ashley asleep so they could see her surprised by all the things around the tree. Unfortunately Bill videoed everything,so don't have pictures to blog. She had fun ripping into all the presents. I was surprised by what Santa brought for her. I don't recall her asking for nerf guns. Three rather large ones to be exact.  I about died laughing though when Ashley loaded the machine gun  and just  nailed Bill several times. Too funny. Thanks honey I couldn't have done it better.
 Yes this is a drum. Another surprise. I'm not sure about this gift, but I will admit she does have rhythm. Yes that is Harley and he is yet again forced to wear a diaper. Poor dog. Not sure when he will learn.
 It's true I really do have horns. Sometimes they just have to come out. Here's proof. haha.  Maybe that's why Bill bought me 10 packages of my favorite candy.

Christmas Eve at Mamaws

  The kids were sooooooooooooo excited. They couldn't wait to open presents.

 Ashley and her look alike Moxie Girl. As you can tell she was super happy to get one. Who knew this one would be rare and hard to find. When shopping for Leia the store had one and Ashley was upset ( too put it mildly) that she couldn't have it. Thought Bingo, know what to get you too. Then when we began looking for it, they were no where,(everyone was sold out) except on E-bay for $50.  It became a quest. I finally found one and tried to call Bill cause I knew he was looking too, well he found one online and ordered it, so we had two. I took mine back and I'm sure some other mother was really happy to find one at the last minute.
 Linda got her this adorable robe as well as some other really cute clothes. As soon as we got back from church she couldn't wait to get into her new PJ's. Before we left Mamaw's she was all dressed and ready for bed.

 I couldn't resist getting Laura's kids these Sing a ma jigs. Thanks for not getting Ashley one:) I know it was tempting for some of you.haha
 Becky opening up Mamaws cookbook pages I scrapbook. I love working on this project. Thanks Mamaw for sharing with us your secret yummy recipes.
 Paper everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!! OH the FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love Christmas time and getting together with everyone. I can't help smiling at all the craziness and funny things that kids say and do. Christmas is truly magical.Thank you everyone for all the really nice gifts and great memories.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas from a special little one. This was taken about three weeks ago espically made for Leia, but I thought I'd share it with everyone.

Santa's cookies

Our little chef
 Turned out pretty good.
 Concentrating on getting the decorating just right.
 Taste testing. Yummy!! That's the best part. Will they make it to Saturday? Hopefully.
 Ashley's masterpiece.
After this weekend's incident I figured we'd better get our butts in gear and buy some things. Don't have them opened and put together yet,but when we get things all put together you'll be the first to know. I am so excited to now have pretty much everything.  Thanks to everyone for helping us buy some of these things.

Bill could not resist this Mobile. Funny how on the package the  bed and bedding resembles ours. Can't see it very well but the animals are hanging off of a palm tree. Very cute.

Here's the swing I'm super excited about. There are very few that plug in. This one has been out for only a few weeks and it's just a better design from the lamb one we loved.  This one has a bunny theme. These pictures just do not do these items justice. Looks comfy to me. Too bad they didn't have one for adults. haha . I wonder why they don't make crank ones anymore? I bet the batterie company bought them out.

Also another thing I'm super excited about is this mattress. It has two sides, firm for when younger and soft for when older. I am so amazed how expensive things are. This little one, hopefully will sleep peacefully. We took our computer in the store with us and read reviews and compared other stores prices on these things. This mattress got awesome reviews.

Fits perfectly

 Who ever invented this thing, I hope is a billionaire.
Ashley and I slept in. First day of  Christmas break. She is now playing the Wii. Who knows, we just may spend the entire day in our PJ's. Plan on making Christmas cookies for Santa later.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

In A Decorating mood

 Happy Birthday Mamaw.
WOW!! I can't believe I somewhat got a decent picture of Andy.
 Decorating Mamaw's tree. Ashley holding up different ornaments that we've made in the past.
 Just chillin out.
 The paparazzi taking pictures of each other.

 A beautiful centerpiece.

 Bear is really human in disguise.
 Ashley helping me with the nursery. She is vacuuming the futon. Still debating if it was a good idea to move that in there. It takes up a lot of space, but will be good if we have extra company. Ashley doesn't mind sleeping on it.
 Woo Hoo,we have a crib!! 
 Paint samples on far wall. We can't seem to agree on a shade of Orange. Hopefully we'll get this totally done soon. I have some adorable jungle things to hang up. Don't worry stars will be coming down.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Snow Day!!!

 Sugar getting in on the action. She'll even ride down on the sled.

 Kids don't try this at home!!After yelling at him that he was crazy and not to do that again, I will admit it's a cool picture. I can't believe he jumped that high and that  no one got hurt.
 Harley isn't too fond of the snow. He was jumping on me trying to get me to pick him up. When he goes potty his back legs always come up and he walks on his front ones the whole time while going.  It's hilarious when he accidental does that on a hill. I need to try and catch that on video.
 Sugar loves the snow. She'll roll in it,eat it, chase snow balls that are thrown. It's very hard to get a picture of her standing still.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Lights,camera,action!!!!! Every year we half freeze putting up Christmas things. We have totes and totes,that take up a big chunk of our garage. Is it worth it? You Bet!!!! I love comming home to a beautiful lit up yard, full of Christmas cheer.

Our very cool Nativity scene. We make it the main focus of our display.
There is music and all the trees surrounding it dance. It is very mesmerizing.  Jack,our black cat got in on this  picture and I thought it was fitting.
Bottom Picture is from last year since none last night came out very clear.

We've had Pooh ever since Ashley was born. Even the neighbor's grandkids  were excited about Pooh. Grandma's dog was having puppies, but I guess they were more interested in watching what was going on outside.

 Snoopy is new as of last year. Who can resist taking a ride in the Red Barren.
 Hoping we have a nice day again when Bill has off. We didn't get our Icicle lights up this year and it totally makes a difference.  On the Bright side though ,it will be quick to take down.
Last year

 Our beautiful Christmas tree and Santa. Ashley keeps asking me what I want for Christmas and I told her I already have it. Here's proof, it's already underneath the tree. A loving happy child,who could want more? Well besides another happy loving child.